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sideshows Hilarious new ad mocks Donald Trump's buffoonery — and it's impossible not to laugh along (video) Carla Sinclair
laughing stocks Donald Trump gets mocked after racist remarks with viral hashtag: "#WhenITurnedBlack" Carla Sinclair
politics Trump supporters caught napping during rally; perhaps dreaming of a coherent speech Jason Weisberger
COVID-19 "Y'all Masking?" hashtag goes viral on X, showing maskers they are not alone Jennifer Sandlin
public health Homeopathic Berlin Wall Pills made from its pulverized concrete "treat" loneliness, isolation, and oppression Jennifer Sandlin
Internet Original "Backrooms" photo of yellowing office dungeon finally identified as Oshkosh HobbyTown Rob Beschizza
News Securus Technologies loves charging exorbitant fees for families to talk to incarcerated loved ones Yoy Luadha
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