corruption Protests in Haiti turn violent as crime and corruption skyrocket and half the country starves Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids King Charles abdicates, Hollywood's most hated hunk, and Taylor Swift's engagement in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
meidas touch Watch: Yesterday's Kamala Harris speech narrates this new "Prosecute Trump" ad Carla Sinclair
music Watch the music video that's making karens and qanon hysterical about Adult Swim today Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets Become the author you always dreamed you'd be with this creative writing training Boing Boing's Shop
trumpism Molly Crabapple's illustrated report from the immigration detention Gulags of Texas Cory Doctorow
usausausa 14% of Americans — 48 million people — are "food insecure," and it's about to get much worse Cory Doctorow
media Angelina Jolie on a secret hunger strike to call attention to Syrian refugees, and other tabloid stunners Peter Sheridan
President Obama's tech-centered State of the Union: full text, and digital rights concerns Xeni Jardin