happy mutants Thanks to an article about why science fiction great John M Ford's books are out of print, they're coming back Cory Doctorow
plutocracy Billionaire Nicole Shanahan threatens GOP senators by name: vote for RFK Jr. or "I won't play nice" (video) Carla Sinclair
Entertainment RIP David Lynch, visionary director who brought surrealism to the mainstream Boing Boing
Two mathematicians just solved a centuries-old prime number puzzle that experts thought impossible Ellsworth Toohey
books Lost sci-fi masterpieces return with stunning cover designs by cartoonist Seth Mark Frauenfelder
targets Top D.C. lawyer gives advice to Liz Cheney and others on Trump revenge list: Leave the U.S. in January Carla Sinclair
music Polaris Dawn astronaut performs music from Star Wars with orchestras around the world Gail Sherman
Boing Boing Gadgets You'll feel like a real DJ when you spin records or stream your playlists with this turntable! Boing Boing's Shop