politics In UK election campaign, Nigel Farage lasted nearly a week without saying anything racist about the Prime Minister Rob Beschizza
"I don't even see our American flag anymore!" — Sobbing MAGA woman begs Trump to save her Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Scientology's secrets, Kardashian brain damage, and Chinese bioweapons in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
gross Man claims Grubhub delivered him a cup of urine instead of the milkshake he ordered David Pescovitz
ice cream Visit Silver Lake and drown your sorrows in Creamo's delicious vegan ice cream and donuts Jennifer Sandlin
frugals A dirty ice cream machine at a burger joint in Washington kills 3 people, hospitalizes 6 others Carla Sinclair
asmr Old Time Hawkey's ASMR videos highlight simple joys like bonfire cooking and camping Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids A paranoid prince, proof of UFOs, and a panicked Trump in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Games McDonald's releases new game for old console: Grimace's Birthday, on Game Boy Color Rob Beschizza
out-of-touch Fox reporters Fox anchor makes on-air apology after fat-shaming Chris Christie (video) Carla Sinclair