whales King Charles, breaking from tradition, will not be slathered with whale intestines and civet secretions Thom Dunn
law Queen Elizabeth pardons Turing (but not the 50,000 other gay men the law unjustly criminalised) Cory Doctorow
corruption Austerity Jubilee: unemployed workers tricked into being Jubilee stewards, denied toilets, left to camp in the rain Cory Doctorow
presidential concession speeches Kamala Harris concedes the election, but "not the fight that fueled this campaign" (video) Carla Sinclair
racism "Royal Racists": King Charles and Princess of Wales named in Dutch edition of blockbuster book about the family's troubles Rob Beschizza
tabloids Queen Camilla's divorce ultimatum and the Clintons betray Joe Biden, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabloids The Madness of King Charles and Obama's nepo baby in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan