In the Air Tonight Kid on bike performs classic drum fill from Phil Collins' "In The Air Tonight" by crashing into trash bins Rusty Blazenhoff
Reaction video Twins react as they hear Phil Collins' 'In the Air Tonight' for the first time Rusty Blazenhoff
tabloids Scientology's secrets, Kardashian brain damage, and Chinese bioweapons in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
risky behavior Pennsylvania man shoos bear away as if it's a dog — and somehow survives with only a deep scratch (video) Carla Sinclair
MAGA logic Racist Congressman blames recent Ohio train derailments on diversity (video) Carla Sinclair
the cruelty is the point A GOP operative was arrested last month for kicking a dog in the stomach. Rep. Mike Collins just selected him for chief of staff Mark Frauenfelder
susan collins Watch this supercut of Susan Collins promising Brett Kavanaugh won't overturn Roe v. Wade Mark Frauenfelder
supercuts The sicko GQP can't stop saying their new favorite LGBTQ smear word "grooming" in supercut video Carla Sinclair
ted cruz Big Bird can highly offend Ted Cruz, but call his Republican colleagues pro-pedophiles? That's just "silly" Carla Sinclair
marjorie taylor greene Marjorie Taylor Greene now calls anyone who doesn't agree with her a pedophile Carla Sinclair