court jesters Desperate Ron DeSantis tries on Rambo persona who wants to "storm Washington" in 2025 Carla Sinclair
video games "Ramboos Big Adventure" is a video game designed to create a youth market for rambutan fruit Jennifer Sandlin
MAGA cultists Marjorie Taylor Greene to audience: "I am not going to mince words with you all. Democrats want Republicans dead and they have already started the killings." Mark Frauenfelder
marjorie taylor greene Marjorie Taylor Greene as Rambo runs contest to go hog hunting with her (you can't make this stuff up) Carla Sinclair
christofacists Wacko Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) says she would shoot her 5 grandchildren to protect their lives Mark Frauenfelder
video games You can now play the unauthorized Indiana Jones video game created by Czechoslovak protestors in the 80s Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Gadgets The Moovy Bag is like having a mobile office on your back everywhere you go Boing Boing's Shop
Delightful Creatures When police respond to call of a neighbor screaming "Let me out!" laughter is had by all Carla Sinclair
Copyfight Writer asks for an exclusive trademark on the use of the word "dark" in "Series of fiction works, namely, novels and books" Cory Doctorow