consumer complaints Vegas hotel accused of charging $500 smoking fees while guests weren't in rooms Ellsworth Toohey
Race to Survive contestants Reality TV contestant kills and eats protected New Zealand bird — claiming he was "desperate and hungry" (video) Carla Sinclair
mistakes Read the cease-and-desist demands that Taylor Swift's lawyers sent to the private jet tracker—and his response Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets Get ready for spring daycations with 20 car and truck accessories, all on sale Boing Boing's Shop
security Japanese robot hotel chain ignored repeated warnings that its in-room "bed-facing" robots could be turned into spy devices Cory Doctorow
china Chinese jaywalkers are identified and shamed by facial recognition, and now they'll get warnings over text message Cory Doctorow
happy mutants DoNotPay bot launches a cheap airline ticket that automates the nearly impossible business of getting refunds when prices fall Cory Doctorow
corruption The Sackler Family: best known for philanthropy, they made billions promoting Oxycontin Cory Doctorow