conspiracy theory The 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival was chock full of red-pilled conspiracy content Jennifer Sandlin
politics Fire chief arrested for shooting chemical in Capitol Police officer's face on Jan 6 Mark Frauenfelder
politics Advocate for keeping masks in healthcare settings followed, harassed, and hit by a car after testifying at the LA County Public Health Commission meeting Jennifer Sandlin
politics "Smiles" emphasized over "health and wellbeing" as In-N-Out orders workers not to wear masks without doctor's note Jennifer Sandlin
politics Meet Arizona State Representative Rachel Jones, who loves guns and "freedom" Jennifer Sandlin
police Cops with violent history and criminal records drawn to Florida's $13.5m relocation program Rob Beschizza
marjorie taylor greene Rep. Dean Phillips delivers sick burn to Marjorie Taylor Greene Mark Frauenfelder
GQP Arizona MAGA man running for college board caught in front of preschool masturbating to porn Carla Sinclair
politics Marjorie Taylor Greene digs her hole deeper by adding a video to her tweet equating Biden with Hitler Jason Weisberger
florida Deep state used "weather manipulation technology" on Ian to hurt DeSantis, says ex-InfoWars host (video) Carla Sinclair
People's Convoy A Freedom Convoy spinoff is traveling from California to Washington DC Carla Sinclair
MyPillow Mike Lindell worried that "obstructionists" will foil his plans to send pillows to antivax truckers Mark Frauenfelder