politics DeSmog is the antidote to disinformation about climate, energy, and environmental issues Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Gadgets The iPhone weather app is so last year—this one actually predicts conditions correctly Boing Boing's Shop
politics Senator from North Carolina a newly minted expert on fighting California wildfires Jason Weisberger
Tom The Dancing Bug Tom the Dancing Bug – The fourth branch of the United States government: Dumbass Billionaires Ruben Bolling
politics After that drone strike on a firefighting airplane DJI decides to remove geo-fencing for no fly-zones Jason Weisberger
old-fashioned facts Design for Disaster: 63-year-old LAFD film perfectly describes — and warns of — today's Los Angeles fires (video) Carla Sinclair
cloud seeding Marjorie Taylor Greene scoffs at LA firefighters — why can't they just make it rain? Carla Sinclair
devastation Los Angeles fire rips through every acre of the Pacific Palisades — and then some Carla Sinclair
california Stunning: 2 men and their dog stuck at home surrounded by Los Angeles fire (video) Carla Sinclair