yuck "Maneater" screwworm that lays eggs in nostrils and open wounds headed towards Texas Carla Sinclair
attacks Yet another elk stomps on person in Estes Park — an "unprecedented" three attacks in 8 days Carla Sinclair
Protective mama elks Cow elk charges 8-year-old girl on bicycle near Colorado national park — then attacks her Carla Sinclair
tourons Elk is in no mood for a crowd of Colorado tourists — so she bites off the tip of young boy's finger Carla Sinclair
smuggling Man busted at airport smuggling two otters and a prairie dog in his underwear David Pescovitz
animal friends Opossum rescued from decorative jar wants you to check the items in your yard Jennifer Sandlin
social media Australian women slapped with heavy fines after risky dingo encounters for social media selfies Mark Frauenfelder
play Eloquent seven-year-old explains why 'peek-a-boo can change the world' in TED Talk Rusty Blazenhoff
Bison Watch: Solo Texas hiker walks behind bison that seem calm — until one charges (and gores) her Carla Sinclair