classified scratch paper Donald Trump wrote to-do lists on classified docs, according to former aide Carla Sinclair
new orleans New Orleans mayor spent $250,000 on travel expenses, taxpayers foot the bill Natalie Dressed
politics CNN: Biden directs campaign "to highlight the crazy shit that Trump says in public" Jason Weisberger
Florida phonies Ron DeSantis poses as Christian but scrambled to find Amazon bible for photo op Carla Sinclair
politics Trump's disgust for wounded vets: "Why do you bring people like that here?" Mark Frauenfelder
maga Moron Rudy Giuliani says Jewish men have "small" penises because "they can't use them" as much Carla Sinclair
pathetic speakers A trembling Kevin McCarthy apologizes to Donald Trump for not praising the GOP dictator enough on CNBC Carla Sinclair
trump Former DHS chief of staff says Trump made shockingly lewd comments about daughter Ivanka Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids A paranoid prince, proof of UFOs, and a panicked Trump in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan