politics Trump, David Duke agree on the need for police to stop and frisk more black people Rob Beschizza
politics Klan leader's kid charts their journey from white nationalism to coming out as trans Rob Beschizza
mental health Anti-masturbation groups are warm, damp place for extremist beliefs to fester Jason Weisberger
tabloids Biden suffers strokes, Prince Andrew's new sex scandal, and a UFO over America, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
the tale of a fateful trip Republicans abandon Jordan; will try something else Monday Jason Weisberger
david cronenberg Watch David Cronenberg's "Four Unloved Women, Adrift on a Purposeless Sea, Experience the Ecstasy of Dissection" (2023), featuring four 18th-century life-size wax anatomical models Jennifer Sandlin
Food Collectives and non-profits feed the hungry. Some people want to make it illegal. ElĂas Villoro
tabloids China attacks America, and Democrats gun for Biden, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
the GOP Watch: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Trump, and Tucker Carlson spout KKK talking points word for word Carla Sinclair
christofacists Video shows how MAGA politicians and Tucker Carlson are totally in line with KKK and David Duke talking points Mark Frauenfelder
politics Top New York Dem compares party's own candidate, a black woman, to Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. Rob Beschizza