barnacles Donald Trump suffers from a case of "the ick" with Kari Lake — tries to nudge her away from Mar-a-Lago Carla Sinclair
Late stage Q indoctrination Roseanne Barr with Kari Lake at Mar-a-Lago warns youth: Quit "devil-worshipping, baby blood-drinking" college! (video) Carla Sinclair
vladimir putin New Age conspiracy theorist praises Putin and Tucker Carlson's charge against the Satanic Cabal Jennifer Sandlin
fearmongering Ted Cruz sees a hat with horns on the Grammys and calls it "evil" while his state struggles without power Carla Sinclair
satan Satanic Temple opens abortion clinic named after anti-choice Supreme Court Justice Alito David Pescovitz
fearmongering The bogus Satanic Panic is returning. Here's a look at the original purveyors of myth — Chick Tracts Jennifer Sandlin
criminals Gentleman in "God" t-shirt attempted to burn down Satanic Temple in Salem, Mass. David Pescovitz
Crazy crazy train Ozzy Osbourne credits Satan for his miraculous failure to contract COVID-19 Jason Weisberger
tabloids Queen ends sham marriage, JonBenet's devil cult, and killer vending machines in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabloids Royals sell souls to the devil, TV's most hated host, and Cougar manhunts in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan