accessibility Woman with a disability asks to be euthanized after being denied accessible housing again Thom Dunn
disabilities The new Britney Spears documentary offers a surprising angle for exploring disability rights Thom Dunn
crime American Airlines blames a 9-year-old girl for not noticing the hidden camera being used to film her in jet bathroom Rob Beschizza
air travel Passenger on New Zealand Boeing flight says pilot said he "lost control after instrument failure" Rob Beschizza
"apocalyptic" Panicked Vice staffers warned to back up stories — and execs won't deny rumors it's shutting down Carla Sinclair
youtube YouTube accused of refusing to remove scam ads featuring deepfaked Elon Musk: "We found that the ad doesn't go against Google's policies" Rob Beschizza
politics Marjorie Taylor Greene told colleagues that Lauren Boebert is a "whore," says report Mark Frauenfelder
canada Air Canada told a disabled man it had no time to get him a wheelchair. He dragged himself off the flight. Rob Beschizza
donald trump Ron DeSantis campaign uses fake AI-created photos of Donald Trump hugging and kissing Dr. Fauci (video) Carla Sinclair
music Let's Get what now? Original version of badly-aged Black Eyed Peas song a viral hit despite "censorship" Rusty Blazenhoff
social justice Clean Air Club donates air purifiers to Chicago music and arts venues to make them more accessible Jennifer Sandlin
kari lake Kari Lake plans to put LGBTQ people in "concentration camps" says one of her fans Carla Sinclair
tabloids Duchess Meghan and Donald Trump battle for the White House in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
the daily show Watch The Daily Show's Women's History Month calendar montage…of recent acts against women Kevin Reome