muppets The Muppets' iconic 'Mah Nà Mah Nà' song originated in a steamy softcore Italian film, here's how Jim Henson found it Rusty Blazenhoff
Entertainment Watch Derek DelGaudio's 'In & Of Itself' on Hulu, see Derek + director Frank Oz on Stephen Colbert Xeni Jardin
disneyland Children's Fairyland, the mid-century storybook theme park that inspired Walt Disney and where Frank Oz got his start Rusty Blazenhoff
politics Despite the bullying, theft, lying, and hypocrisy, why did MAGA candidate Gabrielle Hanson still lose? Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment The absolute worst superhero content of all time: "Legends of the Super Heroes" Ruben Bolling
tabloids Melania Trump's smoking gun, and Mitch McConnell's short-circuiting brain, in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
awkward silences Mitch McConnell stops talking mid-sentence during press conference Mark Frauenfelder