alternative facts CNN reporter rattles off 30 whoppers made by Trump in Wisconsin (video) Carla Sinclair
fessing up Newsmax swallows MAGA pride and adds disclaimer after Trump interview: 2020 election "legal and final" (video) Carla Sinclair
good liars Frustrated MAGA man tries — but fails — to explain how Trump election was stolen (video) Carla Sinclair
big lies Donald Trump Jr. texted Mark Meadows in 2020 with scheme to overturn election: "We control them all" Carla Sinclair
trumpism Not just Kellyanne: Sean Spicer also repeatedly references nonexistent terrorist attack Cory Doctorow
Technology Sweden begins construction of massive underground nuclear vault that will last 100,000 years Ellsworth Toohey
stowaways Two people found dead in JetBlue wheel well in Florida: "This keeps happening" Carla Sinclair
World War II How Polish professors let infected lice feed on them to avoid concentration camps in WWII Ellsworth Toohey
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science fiction Starman at 40: John Carpenter's forgotten sci-fi masterpiece, interview with special effects artist John Rosengrant Lee Keeler
politics Prepare for the worst: journalists who survived dictators sound alarm over Trump's press threats Ellsworth Toohey