trump Trump immigration thugs can't deny kids water, food, toilets, or sleep: Federal Appeals Court Xeni Jardin
fox news Is Tucker Carlson a saint? Is Fox News part of the New World Order? Some on the right think so. Jennifer Sandlin
books Tears of the Trufflepig is a head-shakingly brilliant novel about contraband animals, Mexico and a labyrinthine conspiracy Elías Villoro
grifters Grifters "befriend" Malibu doctor, pretend to be caregivers, give him LSD, and steal $3 million Carla Sinclair
fix the police Re-hired police officer who enjoyed giving a feces sandwich to a homeless person got fired again Mark Frauenfelder
law In viral footage, Best Buy staff organize football-style defense to block phone thieves Rob Beschizza
Florida governor decides to attack reporter instead of taking responsibility for vaccine failure in his state Mark Frauenfelder