COVID-19 When unvaxxed dad screams at NY pizzeria for not letting him in, customers react in the best way Carla Sinclair
late stage capitalism Wells Fargo union statement on worker who died at her desk and went unnoticed for four days Jennifer Sandlin
witness tampering Trump Team paid 9 key trial witnesses handsomely, says new bombshell report Carla Sinclair
publishing Bouclier Wintour: Conde Nast chief wore sunglasses indoors to fire staffers at Pitchfork Rob Beschizza
Give your health a kickstart in the new year with this magnetic rower for only $189.99 Boing Boing's Shop
tabloids World War III starts (yet again) and RFJ Jr is not RFK, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
delightful passengers Man buys 3 airplane tickets — one for himself and two for his humongous doggo (video) Carla Sinclair