ted cruz Cruz Missile PR: Finally, a guaranteed way to ensure your book zooms to the top of Amazon's bestseller list! Carla Sinclair
parody ads Hey all you conservatives who praised Putin, forget your humiliating past with this new "Tyranol" pill! Carla Sinclair
the daily show Hey Republicans! Feel guilty blaming Trump for the insurrection? Try this miracle drug, Insurrectigone Carla Sinclair
public domain Racist Tintin to enter public domain in 2025; you'll have to wait a while longer for woke Tintin Rob Beschizza
A Gaudi Muass Sein I tried, and failed, to solve the mystery of the Tyrolean tongue choir Jennifer Sandlin
toys "Wicked" toys from Mattel featuring link to porn site pulled from shelves, now available on eBay Allan Rose Hill
Willy Wonka The Willy Wonka Chocolate Experience fiasco is lurching back to life as a musical Carolyn Townsend
immersive experiences Disastrously disappointing "Willy's Chocolate Experience" will be a movie David Pescovitz
advertising The Hamburglar was a "crafty" old man with a giant nose who stalked children in McDonaldland Rob Beschizza
politics Trump was to testify today in court: "President Trump doesn't cower." He's just chickened out. Rob Beschizza
public health Vice wants to bring back indoor smoking sections: "local coffee shop . . . would be a lot cooler" Jennifer Sandlin
politics According to Pizzagate conspiracy theorists, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Pizza Hut boxes are encouraging Satanic ritual abuse Jennifer Sandlin