gun violence in america UNC's student paper publishes stunning front page showing texts during shooting Carla Sinclair
guns Shooting victim saved by mobile phone that deflected bullet, iPhone Pro Max sales spike David Pescovitz
crime Murder charge for shopkeeper who falsely accused boy of shoplifting and shot him dead Rob Beschizza
restaurants Texas 12-year-old charged with murder after shooting Sonic restaurant employee Rob Beschizza
law Convicted rapist facing child sex charge kills 5 teens at sleepover, his wife, and himself Rob Beschizza
crime Suspect who killed 5 people in Texas mass shooting has "vanished" with "zero leads" Rob Beschizza
the good liars MAGA men explain why bazookas should be legal: children's lives don't matter as much as owning the libs Carla Sinclair
crime Police hunt man who shot 6-year-old girl and her parents after a ball rolled into his yard Rob Beschizza
guns A 2nd Kentucky shooting kills one and injures another at a college — both in Louisville, hours apart Carla Sinclair
routine murder in America Kentucky Gov. gives emotional speech after bank shooting kills 5, including two of his friends (video) Carla Sinclair
law Police in Farmington, New Mexico, respond to wrong house and kill innocent man there Rob Beschizza