happy mutant Artist makes travel posters for National Parks based on their worst 1-star reviews Rusty Blazenhoff
pandemics Polio survivor Paul Alexander, who spent over 70 years in an iron lung, has died of COVID-19 Jennifer Sandlin
dung beetles Inspiring and determined dung beetle steamrolls a huge ball of poop right over a group of frogs (video) David Pescovitz
tabloids King Charles to abdicate, and JonBenet Ramsay's killers caught in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
newspapers The Arizona Daily Star collaborates with local artists to turn newspaper into wrapping paper Jennifer Sandlin
star wars Behold, an over-the-top 'Empire Strikes Back' Christmas ornament complete with Han Solo in carbonite Rusty Blazenhoff
tabloids Ron DeSantis tortured POWs, and Hollywood's worst celebrity neighbors, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
white supremacy Archaeologists reveal the white supremacist nonsense behind Netflix's "Ancient Apocalypse" Jennifer Sandlin
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