cults Humiliating music video worships Donald Trump as "The Chosen One" and nope — it's not a MAGA parody (video) Carla Sinclair
MAGA Fake MAGA electors in Michigan claim they are not guilty — they were "brainwashed" Carla Sinclair
donald trump "He could stand on the front steps of the White House and commit murder and I'm with him," says Trump supporter Mark Frauenfelder
thought reform Fox News fools viewers again by showing one thing but telling them another (video) Carla Sinclair
donald trump Lauren Boebert uses basic cult technique when speaking to MAGA devotees (video) Carla Sinclair
education Today, Michigan regulators vote on conservative education "reform" plan to purge the word "democracy" from curriculum Cory Doctorow
brainwashing Pastor claims that you are robbing God if you are not donating 10%, even if you are in debt Mark Frauenfelder
surveillance China is sending its ethnic minorities to torture camps to be brainwashed out of Islam Cory Doctorow
climate change Smash Mouth wrote "All Star" to warn us about climate change & anti-intellectualism and we turned it into a meme Thom Dunn
Georgia's Qongresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene panics about her brainwashed voters getting brainwashed (video) Carla Sinclair
creepers Unpleasant millionaire insists on bothering women sitting next to him on planes Mark Frauenfelder