Funny I dare you to not giggle while watching this video of Snowee the cockatoo laughing with her human Jennifer Sandlin
trains Norfolk Southern gave $5 to Ohio East Palestinians affected by toxic train explosion Thom Dunn
bizarre competitions Wolfing down scalding hot biscuits and other weird contests from 1897 Mark Frauenfelder
creative writing Ray Bradbury used 98 dimes to write the first draft of "Fahrenheit 451" on a coin-operated typewriter Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Meghan Markle's "casting couch" and an Epstein "sex slave" murdered in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
music Pianist creates beautiful wedding entrances from popular songs including The Cure's "Friday I'm in Love" and Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train" Jennifer Sandlin
U.S. military secrets Teenager shares info about Pentagon leaker — both were members of small Discord group Carla Sinclair
audiobooks At 264 hours, "The Charles Dickens Collection: 10 Novels" is the longest Audible audiobook available right now Andrew Yi
Sears and Roebuck’s monkey business When you could buy a monkey from the Sears mail-order catalog Elías Villoro
tucker carlson Court documents reveal that Fox hosts think their MAGA guests are "crazy," "lunatics," "nutcases," and "idiots" Mark Frauenfelder
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