Adam Sandler Adam Sandler wins Mark Twain humorist award; honored by famous friends at gala Rusty Blazenhoff
oops Hal Holbrook's image erroneously used in "Abuse in the Boy Scouts" class-action ad Rusty Blazenhoff
music Mark Twain's 1900 rewrite of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, strangely apropos today Cory Doctorow
Charles Willeford 1971's "The New Centurions" is a novel about "police brutality, racism, public unrest, systemic rot, and poverty" Mark Frauenfelder
politics Book bans hit record high, overwhelmingly targeting titles by or about queer or Black people Rob Beschizza
History Why did Mark Twain hate coyotes? What is the difference between an Opossum and a Possum? ElĂas Villoro
afrofuturism Mark Dery on the "everything, all at once" art and life of Jean-Michel Basquiat Gareth Branwyn
Delightful Creatures Watch: Kitty stands its ground against a bobcat that comes for its food Carla Sinclair
design For sale: Odd and fantastic San Francisco octagonal home designed by phrenologist David Pescovitz