Pennsylvania Escaped killer was shot at by resident but stole a rifle and fled — now "armed and extremely dangerous" Carla Sinclair
risky behavior Pennsylvania man shoos bear away as if it's a dog — and somehow survives with only a deep scratch (video) Carla Sinclair
pennsylvania Watch: Murderer escapes Pennsylvania prison with quick crab-like vanishing act (video) Carla Sinclair
trying to reason with a conman Ha! Erie Mayor thinks he can get Trump — who stiffed him in 2018 — to pay in advance this time, ahead of rally Carla Sinclair
bees A swarm of bees tricks homeowner into thinking a tornado has hit the front door (video) Carla Sinclair
american violence After another mass shooting, Philadelphia DA lashes out at lawmakers like George Santos who wear AR-15 pins (video) Carla Sinclair
animation When Parliament-Funkadelic took a wrong turn and ended up on 'Night of the Living Dead' set Rusty Blazenhoff
mass shootings "Computer-generated" hoax calls claiming active shooters send Pittsburgh-area schools into chaos Rob Beschizza
fraud Grifter steals dead peoples' houses in gentrifying Philadelphia by forging deed transfers, then flipping them Cory Doctorow
Kids High school students who will not smile in the hallways are sent to mandatory counselling, while bullying is rampant Cory Doctorow
trumpism GOP candidate Rick Saccone hates government waste, bills the taxpayer like crazy on his own personal expenses, which totalled $435,172 Cory Doctorow
elections The Republican candidate for Pennsylvania's 18th District is a torture advocate who worked at Abu Ghraib Cory Doctorow
law PA supreme court: was illegal to steal elderly woman's home because her son sold $140 of weed Cory Doctorow