Fascism in America Trump repeats prison rape threat against journalists, has plans to "brutally imprison significant numbers of reporters," says Rolling Stone Mark Frauenfelder
christian nationalism Oklahoma schools now require "every classroom in the state" to teach the Bible (video) Carla Sinclair
maga Georgia GOP official who cried "stolen election" voted illegally 9 times, and is a felony check forgery convict Mark Frauenfelder
Hollow be thy name Fox News marches into Gilead with seriously creepy prayer segment (video) Carla Sinclair
maga "My heart is broken" — Disgraced Sen. Katie Britt begs MAGA suckers for cash after becoming global laughing stock Mark Frauenfelder
Welcome to Gilead MAGA man will never vote for Nikki Haley because "she has no balls to scratch" (video) Carla Sinclair
mike vs. mike Jen Psaki compares Christian extremist Mike Pence with even more dangerous Mike Johnson (video) Carla Sinclair
politics "Secret Democrat!" — GOP alarmed that Mike Johnson isn't as racist as they hoped Mark Frauenfelder
trump New GOP pick for speaker pushed to overturn 2020 election, opposes abortion and gay marriage, wants prayer in public schools Mark Frauenfelder
pan fried "Penny the fetus that survived in a pan" and other abortion fairy tales by Ron DeSantis Jason Weisberger
christian nationalism Gov. Huckabee Sanders allows forced birth monument to stand on Arkansas' Capitol grounds Carla Sinclair
nipping malignancies in the bud California says buh-bye to Walgreens over its Gilead approach to abortion pills: "We're done" Carla Sinclair