happy mutants Flaming bagpipe player rides on unicycle and covers 'Pure Imagination' from Willy Wonka Popkin
Spoken Word with Electronics THE BRUCE HAACK SONGBOOK is a vital and RARE piece of early Electronic Music history. Hear a Computer play through all of it. Ethan Persoff
Art and Design This AI neural network transforms text captions into art, like a jellyfish Pikachu Thom Dunn
portland Portlanders use leaf-blowers to isolate and return tear gas to the thugs who threw it Jason Weisberger
tabloids The trial of the century, Epstein's killer exposed, and Obama's hatred, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants Buskers are the only performers making money at the Edinburgh Fringe. Here's how. Mat Ricardo
Monty Python Here's King Arthur from Monty Python and the Holy Grail playing bagpipes on unicycle Caroline Siede