art supplies Conservative pundit discovers white crayons exist, demands answers from Crayola Ellsworth Toohey
maga Candace Owens says the Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz are performing a "satanic ritual" (video) Mark Frauenfelder
maga Summit for "female conservatives" was feast of transphobia and far-right crackpottery Jennifer Sandlin
gqp rhetoric Candace Owens uses space laser logic to paint George Soros as a Nazi sympathizer Carla Sinclair
very stable geniuses Stable genius Candace Owens pivots from Covid expert to foreign policy expert, says Putin may have lied Mark Frauenfelder
Alex Jones Alex Jones warns Trump: "You are either completely ignorant" or "one of the most evil men who has ever lived" Mark Frauenfelder
white nationalism Rep. Ted Lieu plays Candace Owens' Hitler remarks on phone during House hearing on white nationalism Gina Loukareas
Republicans Conservative conference declares women to be the root of all evil, demands they give up hope (and their bodies) Jason Weisberger
youtubers Right-wing commentator Stephen Crowder threatened wife and "exposed himself" to co-workers Rob Beschizza
Kanye West Kanye West can't sell White Lives Matter shirts because two black radio hosts own the trademark Mark Frauenfelder