word nerds Man wins Spanish Scrabble World Championship — and he doesn't speak a lick of Spanish Carla Sinclair
curiosities You can visit Einstein's brain, Rasputin's penis, Galileo's middle finger, and other historic human curiosities Allan Rose Hill
politics Maybe Parliament's honeytrap scandal shows Westminster has simply fallen below the ambient stupidity threshold where that sort of scam thrives Rob Beschizza
donald trump Dirty money: Trump-tied firm funded the indicted FBI informant who fabricated false allegations against the Bidens Mark Frauenfelder
cabinets of curiosity Medical museum embroiled in brouhaha over bequeathed body parts David Pescovitz
vanity plates DEZNUUTZ, 2HI, VENMO, and 3,000 other vanity license plates rejected by New York's DMV David Pescovitz
the daily show Mickey Mouse hilariously mocks "loser" Ron DeSantis with stone-cold goodbye (video) Carla Sinclair