Delightful Creatures LAX Customs officers intercept 37 giant, live beetles disguised as snacks Jason Weisberger
trump Kash Patel, Trump's pick for FBI Director, has a long history of conspiracy grifting Jennifer Sandlin
heavy metals Lindt admits its lead-filled chocolate bars don't really use "finest ingredients" — that was just boastful "puffery" Carla Sinclair
politics One month in jail for woman who stole Biden daughter's diary and sold it to chuds Rob Beschizza
1970s "Pickled People" were heads made out of stuffed panty hose and smushed into jars, and people in the 1970s bought them for fun Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Shop Give your Valentine the gift of nostalgic fun with this Atari game console, now under $70 Boing Boing's Shop
lawsuits Florida woman sues Hershey because chocolate mini pumpkins didn't have pre-carved faces like on the bag Rob Beschizza
holidays "Suspicious older male" who offered young boy chocolate was celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day, say police David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Take 53% off these stellar mood lamps just in time for Valentine's Day Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets This MacBook Pro is on sale now and will arrive for V-Day if you order by February 3rd Boing Boing's Shop
graphic design is my passion How much money did the National Republican Senatorial Committee waste to make this silly smear ad? Jennifer Sandlin
criminals This gentleman gained a bank's trust with chocolate and then absconded with $28 million in diamonds David Pescovitz