music Grammy-nominated Gospel singer nearly kicked off plane for singing as God requested (video) David Pescovitz
music Bad Bunny's Un Verano Sin Ti is the first all-Spanish album nominated as Grammy album of the year Devin Nealy
News Grammy Awards postponed to March due to COVID surge in Los Angeles, was to be held late January Xeni Jardin
centenarians Jimmy Carter is first U.S. president to turn 100 — and he still has one wish Carla Sinclair
tabloids The coming alien invasion and a sweet-smelling Kardashian vagina in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
motown A look at Motown legend Smokey Robinson's long and compelling career in the music business Rusty Blazenhoff
Christian gobbledygook Congress-preacher Lauren Boebert warns God-lusting women about demons, including Kevin McCarthy Carla Sinclair
fearmongering Ted Cruz sees a hat with horns on the Grammys and calls it "evil" while his state struggles without power Carla Sinclair