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los angeles Freeway crash causes concern over Amazon packages and property damage, not people (video) Jason Weisberger
faulty brakes Watch Illinois deputy save frantic driver in runaway car from plunging into a lake (video) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets My PC was on life support, then Windows 10 Pro brought it back from the dead! Boing Boing's Shop
viral videos Two planks and a prayer: Amazon truck's doomed attempt to board river boat (video) Ellsworth Toohey
science fiction Jeff VanderMeer's "Absolution" is a dark mirror to the Southern Reach Trilogy Thom Dunn
police Like an action movie, cop jumps from patrol car into truck to deal with erratic driver (video) Allan Rose Hill
King Charles dead in 6 months, and Biden & Trump "get down and dirty" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
santa claus There is a school where Santa Claus learns how to answer heartbreaking requests Andrew Yi
Self Failing Surveillance video of a self-driving Tesla causing an 8-car pile-up on the SF Bay Bridge Jason Weisberger